7 Days To Die Servers

Installed in Minutes, Online 24x7
After your order is placed, GameServers.com's instant activation system deploys your 7 Days To Die server and keeps it online 24x7, even when your home PC is off!

Simple 7DAYSTODIE Server Management
Our custom control panel allows you to configure and customize your 7DAYSTODIE server, upload files using FTP, install plugins and mods, switch locations, and add additional administrators.

Low Ping Game Hosting
Our worldwide network, designed by gamers for gamers, offers multiple redundant locations in your geographic region for lag free 7 Days To Die hosting. Should you change your mind, you can migrate your server to a new datacenter from the control panel any time!

Demo 7DAYSTODIE Servers
No 7DAYSTODIE demo servers available. |

Best 7DAYSTODIE server hosting locations for you, ordered by distance

About 7 Days To Die
You play a survivor trapped in the savage zombie infested world of Navezgane County Arizona one of the last true Eden’s on Earth. Ironically Navezgane means “Killer of Monsters” to the Apache who have inhabited the land for centuries, and that’s pretty much what you’ll do as you fight to survive and search for the truth behind what really happened.
With your very own 7 Days to Die server by GameServers, you’re in total control. Roam the wasteland with your friends in CO-OP, or destroy your enemies in PVP. Customize the server to your liking using our myGS Control Panel. The world is your oyster, but proceed with caution, as you never know what, or who, is behind the next corner.
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Multiple Hosting Locations
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